Final photo used for diversity double page spread

diversity 1

This is the final photo that I decided to use for my diversity piece. I chose this photo because I thought it was very natural and fun, exactly how I wanted it to be. I cropped it so just their upper body was showing and changed it to black and white as I thought it looked more effective.


Diversity photo shoot

photo 1 (1) photo 1 (2) photo 2 (3) photo 2 (4) photo 3 (1) photo 3 (2) photo 4 (1) photo 4 (2) photo 5 (1)

Esmee helped me with my diversity photo shoot. We got people from the canteen at college which we thought represented diversity. We took them to the photo studio and asked them to act very natural. The photos above are taken by me on my iPhone and the photos below are taken by Esmee on my DSLR camera. The photos taken from my DSLR camera turned out to be much better than the panorama shots taken from my iPhone that I wanted to originally use.

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Second double page spread idea change

I wasn’t too happy with the portrait photo’s that I had taken. I didn’t feel that they were strong enough and they weren’t looking how I wanted them to look, so I decided to change my layout. I had asked my friends to explain what diversity meant to them and one of their quotes really stood out so I decided to use it as inspiration.

“Diversity is the norm now. You’re way more likely to be in a random public place with twenty different nationalities around you than two, which I think is beautiful”, Libby Amponsah.

This quote gave me with idea of creating a photoshoot with a group of diverse young people all in one room. I wanted the shoot to be very natural and fun. This is the layout idea I came up with. I wanted to have the quote on one page and then a panorama shot going across 3 pages.

photo 5 (2)


My second double page spread

I decided to focus my second double page spread on diversity. What I originally wanted to do was take a portrait of young people from different nationalities and place them all over a double page spread in black and white, with their name, age and their definition of what diversity means to them underneath their photo. Below is a quick layout plan that I had in mind.

photo 1 (3) photo 2 (5)


Diversity shoot

These are just some of the photos captured from our photoshoot. These show garments created and designed by Sonia and Chloe (3rd year fashion design students) Photography inside the magazine was all captured by Jasmine (3rd year photography student)

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Being the scene

These are behind the scene photos taken from our Diversity photoshoot. These show the lighting set up and the direction given to Marielle during the shoot. It show how Jasmine captured our amazing photos featured inside the magazine.

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